Emergency: 717-808-9052 pawsar.east@gmail.com

“The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others.”

– Mahatma Gandhi

What we’re doing in the community

PSP Sunny Day Camp

PaWSAR is honored to take park in the Pennsylvania State Police Sunny Day Camp Program. This program was founded by a Pennsylvania State Trooper as a way to promote good relations between police and the local children/adults with special needs. We are proud to be able to provide our services to law enforcement agencies and requesting authorities in our area.

Trainings with local Fire Companies and Emergency Services

Working together with local Fire Companies along with County Emergency Services to better prepare for a lost or missing person incident.

Scouting Events

Members of our team had the opportunity to work at the Daniel Boone Homestead with their dogs.  During their time with the scouts, our team members taught on Search and Rescue, different dogs for search, and did some lost person drills with the students.

Community Parades

Members of our team have had several opportunities to present ourselves to communities in Memorial Day Parades.  We are proud to present our team and give out information regarding any help we can do in our communities.

National Night Out Events

Members of our team participate in National Night Out Events where we can educate our communities of our services.  We have the opportunity to meet local Law Enforcement and Fire Departments, and let them know how we can help them should the need arise where there is an incident where they are tasked to look for a lost individual.

Community Holiday Events

PaWSAR participates yearly in a Bucks County community event for children with disabilities to be able to go trick or treating in a safe environment.  The dogs are always a great hit, and it’s a great opportunity to educate parents of our services.


Each year, hundreds of loved ones go missing from their homes.  There is hope they'll returned quick and safe ... but speed and accuracy only come from well prepared teams.  You can help us stay prepared and be a part of bringing that loved one home!

Donate to PaWSAR West - southwest PA https://venmo.com/u/PaWSARWEST

For more information on Donations, sponsorships, or grants please contact our grants and sponsorship committee at SponsorPawsar@gmail.com