“Alone we can do so little; Together we can do so much.”
-Helen Keller
Many people approach our organization looking to participate in some way, and one of the hardest things any volunteer organization can do is ensure that its members, potential members, and their families truly understand what it takes to be a volunteer, while at the same time not discouraging anyone from joining the team. Within the thousands of volunteer organizations throughout the country, that subject has been raised at some point and Pennsylvania Wilderness Search and Rescue is no different. While we’re always looking for dedicated, upstanding members of the community to join our team, we also want to paint a clear and fair picture of what’s expected of team members. Equally, we want team members to know what they can expect from the organization.
Being a volunteer for any organization takes dedication. Whether it’s working a fundraiser, walking for miles looking for a lost child, or scaling a cliff to render life-saving medical attention, people depend on the volunteer to do what they said they’d do. It’s that simple. Being a volunteer is no different than any other commitment, and it should be carefully considered. The potential member is encouraged to thoroughly consider what they’re capable of volunteering to the team, to weigh out their available time, to realistically assess their personal capabilities, and to fully understand that living up to their commitments is not just important to the team, but to the entire community that the team serves. Whether
it’s a little or a lot, all of your effort is welcome and appreciated!
Interested in Joining?
IF YOU ARE INTERESTED and want to know more, we urge you to contact us and schedule to visit during one of our training sessions Initial Qualifications: All field operations team members must meet or exceed the PaWSAR’s certification standards. We train our members...
Joining Search and Rescue
Awesome! You have made your first decision to work with Search and Rescue. You are on your way to some awesome adventures, experiences, and knowledge. Before you get into the field, you must be Callout Qualified(CQ). Callout Qualified enables search and rescue...
PaWSAR is always looking for new members. Our current team consists of great diversity ranging from doctors to students. We have no prerequisites to join the team but hope that you have a passion for the outdoors and a desire to help others. Due to the physical and mental demands of search and rescue it helps to be reasonably fit.
What PaWSAR offers
The opportunity to save lives in the most beautiful parts of Pennsylvania
Grow your outdoor skills such as orienteering, medical, and tracking
A great community to surround yourself with that will become your team
- Appropriate clothing and shoes(be aware of seasons)
- Two water bottles of 1-2 liters
- Two large black plastic bags
- Headlamp and one second source of light
- Compass(Orienteering type)
- waterproof notebook and pen/pencil
- Day pack to carry everything in
- lighter or waterproof matches
- Knife
- personal first aid kit
- Whistle
- two pairs of non-latex gloves
- leather gloves
- eye protection
- Appropriate Clothing
- Blaze Orange Outer Garment
- Headlamp/Flashlight
- Second source of light
- First source
- Knife
- Whistle
- Leather Gloves
- Notebook and Pen
- Personal first aid kit
- Two Large Trash Bags
- Two Colors of flagging Tape
- Compass
- Shelter material
- Appropriate weather related/seasonal equipment
- Pack for Carrying the Above Equipment
FTL’s must have the same equipment as FTM’s as well as:
- Eight Matches
- Candle
- One Roller Bandage
- Six Band-Aids
- Two Large Safety Pins
- Pad & Pencils
- Two Large Trash Bags
- One Headgear/Helmet
- Two Sources of Light
- Compass
- Whistle
- Two Rolls Flagging Tape – Different Colors
- Multipurpose Knife
- Leather Gloves
- Measuring Device 18” Minimum
- Shelter Material 8×10
- Nylon Twine 25’ minimum
- Rainwear
- Sturdy Outdoor Footwear
- Water Container 1 Qt Minimum
- Pack for Carrying the Above Equipment